'D'apres Caspar David Friedrich'. Photo: Carlo Chiopris


 From Song of the Hidden God (1944)
Shores of Silence

The Lord taking root in the heart is a flower
that longs for the warmth of the sun,
so flood in light from the day’s inconceivable depths
and lean upon my shore.

God you are so near:
Transform our closed eyes into eyes open wide
Encircle the soul’s frail breeze

You are the Calm, the great Silence,
Free me then from the voice.
In the tremor of Your being let me shiver
with the wind,
borne on the ripe ears of corn,

From Song of the Inexhaustible Sun

Forgive my thought, Lord, for not loving enough.
My love is so mind-manacled, forgive that, Lord;
it subtracts you from thought, leaving it as cool as a stream, where you want an embrace of fire.
I beg You: find me a hiding place
most inaccessible.
in the calm flow of wonder,
or at the dead of night.